08 January 2017

Clip my wings now and put me in a cage

There's a party going on right now, its the kind of party you go to where everyone there wants to talk about the same things you do 😊 I feel it in my mind, my body, my soul. We create the possible and impossible. we are controlled by what we are told... Colour assosiation happens before we even begin to talk and we are told, programmed into a broken system with very little room to breath. A system created by the rich few to set standards for a world that dosent need that shit they tell us we need.

And oh the temptation... I have found myself in all sorts of places and situations, but the most recent was in a board room of a global company who cleared 1.5 billion in 2015. Me! a starving artist... handed a golden ticket to a fast track in the art world... fame fortune... champagne darlings... 

A sudden loud noise snapped me back into reality. as i tuned into the words of the CEO... it was 90% mumbo jumbo, blah blah blah... i didnt care! My life had been tough and here was my reward. I heard him ask something about, could we do... blah blah blah... My response, "of course we can! i'm an artist, I can do anything" 

Those words i said... bounced off the ceilings and walls and repeated over and over again in my mind... I am an artist, I can do anything... if those words are true, which i believe they are... why do i need this job? 

That job would make me normal... would make me fit into to somewhere i had been running from all my life. I got that offer because i was an attractive artist freely sitting on the beach, sharing my work with nature because none of you fuckers turned up 😂 If you are reading this and was at that exhibition... then you will truly understand how valuble your presents was too me. ❤️

The reality, in that moment came crashing in at the same time i was handed a chq that was enough to get me nauseous and high on msg for a month because the only thing the chq would cover was pot noodles... hmmm didnt this guy spend a long time telling me how much money they make? And what was the expectation... "maybe one day you can work here with us..." 

HUH?... clip my wings now and put me in a cage... WHAT?

That cage is exactly what lead me to where i am now and ill be dammed if i take any steps backward. What on earth does this totally clueless man think...? im aspiring to sit in an office? Thats when i saw through to the truth. Thats when lady Gaga video came out about not being allowed to grow her creativity because of all tge bullshit soul draining work stuff that comes with it all. Lady Gaga... you saved me from a fate worse than dead! It won't be famous artists coming who will take power and courage from your words. I always think that if you speak out it doesnt help everyone, not everyone is listening or in tune with your thinking, but if it helps just one person, you have changed that one person for the better and that kind of power gets shared and helps others... it grows naturally without advertising, marketing and fancy fund raising events. Because its right... its true. And while we make a lot of mistakes, in the end only the right way will give us light and inner peace. 

A gut wrenching fear took over me. Sink or swim... fight or flight.... I gave in to fight... dam it, i always do this to myself. People say I'm strong... i think im just incredibly stubborn ! If i have ever had a royal kick up the ass, that was it. I dont like sharing this experience much. She says putting on to a public blog for the world to see 😂 But with over a year after this happened, i find i have reflected... disarmed emotion and can see how what i did was brave. I dont like telling this story because the common response (95%) is "sorry for your luck!" Um... wake up world... i did get lucky. Because over a year later i am still free... still evolving... still figuring out how the puzzle of life goes together. Still very much hands on invovled in the adventure of my life. 

While we seek a meaning to life are we letting our own lives go unnoticed. Thrown onto a path of greed, wealth and money. Expected to comply or loose any status in the world. And what a load of crap status is... Stop, think about it. Everyone is going to join you in your fancy penthouse but the people who count are the ones who happily ride the bus with you like its a shoffer driven car. Its hard to know and see that side of people until you are forced into that situation.

I am so grateful that somewhere along the line i learned that i didn't loose anything, i didnt miss out on anything. living in a situation where you are days away from from being homeless is both terrifying and exhilerating at the same time. But i lived through that and survived and came out of it with more life expirience than any job paying big bucks would  give me. Isn't that what art is about.  Seeing, creating, vision... observation, interaction.

Not marketing, mass producing, advertising, self promotion, endless freebies and give aways... these things aren't art. but the world is in a state and so society is placing this demand on artists. It is my beliefe that artist have many more choices, but are pulled into a system in order to survive. I felt like jumping into the art industry meant selling part of my soul. Someone told me, yes but thats what you do!?

HUH... clip my wings and put me in a cage! What?

I am an artist, i dont HAVE to do anything! 😂 AND at the top of that list... i will not do what everyone else does, because i dont agree with it! so there 😜

A friend turned bad and told me they were only friends with me because they felt sorry for me. i took a look at their life and mine and felt very confused... why on earth did they feel sorry for me? 

I chose my path and im freely walking down it with the sun on my back, the wind in my hair and at any moment i can chose to go for a swim in the ocean. It does really get much richer for me than that 😘

16 October 2016

Lost is at sea

When you are pulled under the ocean by uncontrolable forces of nature crashing in sets of waves brougght in by a swell originating from somewhere else... a storm maybe. 

As you are pulled under the waves you can fight or just ride it out, knowing you will eventually come out of it hopefully in one piece.

04 July 2016

BrExit a wake up call?

It is a time to embrace your free inner spirit and passion for the world. I watched in terror as the implications of the UK leaving the the EU were nothing to do with money, economical gain or immigration. I believe in freedom, indepence and that governments should work for the people. As an Australian citerzen I would never vote for Australia to leave the commonwealth. Because to me, that 'pact' is one of friendship. And that's how I feel about the UK and its 'pact' with the EU AS a british citizen might I add!

I'm not talking from a perspective of living in either countries but as a person who cares deeply about both places and how they are seen from a world perspective. I have friends and family in both towns. 

I have an Australian father, an English mother, a scottish grandmother, a polish grandfather, and there is a rumor that my great grandfather was Russian and escaped. A great aunt on my fathers side was Italian... My great grand mother was born in Australia and grew up in Scotland, my mother was born in England and grew up in Australia, I was born in Australia and grew up in Hong Kong. My closet cousin is Polish but grew up in Germany... In short boarders between countries and movement in the world is nothing new in my families history. So I find it quite amusing that people are so shocked about this new DNA thing that proves non of us are pure breeds! haha!

So the UK had a vote and over night the place became racist! HAHAHA! I blame the media for all the dramatisation of all this... Such a hurry to get the story out fast, nobody has had time to process any thoughts... 

SHOCK! David Cameron has resigned as PM... DO YOU BLAME THe GUY? Give him some credit, by stepping down I think it was his way of honoring the public's vote! 52% voted agaisnt him on a massive worldwide stage. I don't believe the future of Britain has anything to do with the politicians, its in the hands of the people... so people what areyou going to do, accept your differences , respect each others values and live in peace? or get drunk in the pub because you are unhappy with the government then kick start a fight, which afterwards you can't even remember what it was all about in the first place?

Like the US need to put down their guns, the UK needs to put down their pints! Drinking cultures develop from boredom... Boredom comes from a lack of motivation. Lack of motivation comes from a feeling of low self-esteem . Low selfesteem comes from a number of sources in life... there is pressure on people everywhere. Last time I was in the UK it was so bloody cold and miserable that I could see how socailisng in a pub is a way to keep warm and stay connected. So I certainly am by no means wanting to judge anyone. We all have out own stories and life experiences and what is most important to remember is that people have their own too!

In the face of tragedy how should one respond. Respond with knowledge, share your wisdom, I have learnt many new things by listening to friends perspectives and they are far more knowledgable than I on political matters. A lot of these friends have been rather 'quiet' but its a real honor to watch them speak with passion, knowledge and a deep genuine sense of duty to share truth. I am so proud to know these people.

As far as Brexit is concerned I breath easy, the Queen has spoken... I respect the queen, as a person. This is a woman who was crowd queen in a very different time. She has lived through 2 world worlds... Dear Britan, Please hear the wise words from your Queen, she has a much better concept of the EU 'pact' than any of your politicians... She has real life experience.

In my artistic mind I think the Queen should read fifty shades of grey, put on her dominatrix outfit and whip Britan back into shape! 

And when she's done she can turn around and give Britan 2 fingers and say, "anti establishment my ass, put me back in charge and I'll give you GREAT" Then exits by flashing her bum and saying I am a person to!

My next blog will be the solution to world peace LMAO... no no.... I need to get back to the ARTWORK ;)

26 June 2016

Look up! open your eyes, see the world, free your mind.

Photo by
Arana Kennedy
Walking out the door early in the morning with rubbish and recyclables in hand, I am draw to look up at the magnificent sky. The big puffy white clouds decorating the sky like paint on a canvas.
At sealevel I can smell the strong salty air as the morning heat starts to thicken the air. It is 7am so the air has a fresh lightness to it. After I took this photo I climbed over the rocks closer to the sea and noticed a strange pulsing sensation oozing from the water. With not another soul around I feel centered and peaceful as I take in this experience.

Photo by
Arana Kennedy
I'm drawn to the shapes and powerful beauty of the balance of rock, sea, clouds and sky.
Captivated by the magic of the stunning early morning energy.
Watching the giant ships cruise along the horizon. On the right hand side you can see the end of Lamma Island and over to the left in the distance are the Chinese Islands, seeing them this clearly means there must be rain in the air. A clear crisp morning in Stanley inspires me so greatly. The peaceful morning walk and solitude, the conversations with those also out to appriciate Nature's first show of the day "dawn" brought to you by the universe.

Photo by
Arana Kennedy
I stood here for a while and I just breathed... 
freed my mind from thought and felt the calm wash over me
It is this calmness I seek, for its what I need to create. Uninterrupted thought and movement flowing with a natural rhythm. Life works out best this way and its a gift we are all entilted too.

Photo by
Arana Kennedy
At the end of the road I look back on the sleepy town of Stanley. I love early morning walks. I feel for the people running with iPods stuck in their ears... they are missing so much! Speeding through life. Staring at the ground.

Look up,
open your eyes,
see the world,
free your mind.

24 June 2016

BrExit??? WTF???

As a British Citizen... Yes you heard me correctly! My mother was born in Rugby England. For those who know me... I'm sure you ma be surprised. I've never lived in the UK so I have never had a residence and don't vote. I'm thinking that is a mistake on my part. If one is tecnically allowd to vote in a country one has a responsibility to do so. 

If I did have to vote... I would have voted to stay with the EU and this is the reason why.

I grew up with limited stories from my Grandfathers from world war II. Both went to war to fight for freedom and indepenace for their kids and grandkids... The very real threat of a world dominated by Hitler was as stake... there were no questions to ask... they were fighting for their lives and the lives of the future of a free world.

This story was told to me by my Grandmother, she was born in Scotland and joined the first women's british Army.

My grandfather on my mother's side was born in Poland and joined the Polish navy. His ship was at sea when Germany invaded Poland so they joined allied forces in the hopes that together they were stronger... I'm sure this alliance wasn't perfect but the overall idea was... together we are strong!

When my grandfather join the british Navy he was immediatly recognised for his outstanding navigation skills of Navy ships and was placed where they need him. My grandfather was a clever man and apparently figured out that the fleet of ships was heading into sea mine feild (no idea of the proper name) He allerted the captain who dismissed him... My grandfather was also a strong determinded man... fearing for his life, he knocked the captain out cold and took control of the fleet, just as the first ship was blown out of the water! When the captain came to, he gave my grandfather a bottle of whisky! A very RARE thing to find during world war II.

Word spread of his heroic deed and for the rest of his time serving during the war he was showed with gifts of food for the number of lives he saved that day was incredible. There wasn't a mention of his heroic act as what he did 'on paper' was probobly treason and more... only the people who were their that day and their families will understand the real truth, he was one of the many un named hero's, they joined allied forces and restored peace in the UK and Europe once again.

As a reward for his braveness during WWII the UK repariated him and his family to Australia. My grandfather had seen enough of war and wanted his family to live far away from any threat of another outburst in Europe.

You don't need to understand politics, or even listen to politicians... look at history and understand why the EU was established in the first place. Politicans are always going to tell people what they want to hear... I say WAKE UP WORLD! Don't rely on the establishment, but get off your ass and pay attention!

I have a very strong anti war opinion but thats because both my grandfathers fought in WWII and brought me up to understand that war is not the answer... And for those who wish to mention the otherside , the Japanese... well my fathers father fought against Japan. 

When I was 8 my fathers father took us to Japan and I remember him telling me, its a different world now... we need to forgive and make peace. 

Anyway back to the point... I'm not sure I even understand why the UK wanted to even consider leaving in the first place? Now Scotland is considering voting to leave the UK? WHAT? this is madness! Is this real life or a random episode of "Reign"?

I think that's all I have to say about that... Except one last comment, 
Not voting is the craziest form of protest ever...! And its disrepectful to those who went before us and fought for us to have that vote.

05 January 2016

Happy New Year!

She replied reluctantly...

Everything in the past year has been NEW to her... Her whole world had been turned upside down and with that her ordinary belief systems started to grow and transform into something else.

She was trapped in a deep dark tunnel, made from rotting earth, surrounded by a thick dense tropical forest. Thick lush variety of ferns grew out of everything... The light was dim but she could breath but only just.

Something reached in and pulled her from the wreckage... it wasn't physical it was a spiritual awaking of shorts... She struggled and fought as this new perspective was terrifying! Was she the only one who could see this or were there others? Fear quickly turned into curiosity... Rage turned into love... emptiness developed into an uncontrollable passion. The world around her was different... she could see more details more connections... It was the most wonderfully magical thing her eye's had ever seen...

29 December 2015

Down at the pawn shop! - Within Without 2016

Was looking for a different link but found this cool musician - enjoy!

Wo Fung Pawn Shop
Causeway Bay

3am and I'm sat outside a pawn shop wondering what I'm doing with my life! The only things I own of value can't be pawned ;) There's no price tag for sentimental value.  Lately I have been faced with rather daunting money flow issues and somehow this has just managed to take over my life and on bad days I allow it to control me. I guess that's how some would perceive it anyway. In truth, I've learnt so much from 'ground zero income' its been one of the most valuable experiences I have faced. I just somehow feel I look at the world and appreciate it. 

Things are not always how they appear on the surface. Yes, I was sat outside a Pawn shop at 3am wondering about my life but I was also waiting for a bus :) But the whole moment was rather odd... I found myself waiting at a bus stop with 7 other individuals. These individuals were busy on their mobile phones and wearing head phones and made not one attempt to look up and acknowledge any other human presence!? I watched them all and felt sadness for them. I rocked up in Thailand on my own one holiday and meet a bunch of individuals and I had an amazing 2 week trip, forming life long friendships with random people from around the world. Imagine if I'd been wearing headphones and playing on my phone. A truly valuable and life changing experience would have been missed and my holiday might have ended up totally sucking! Instead it made me stronger and more confident. 

The mini bus pulled up and took us all from CWB to Stanley in 13 mins! No speeding involved! Just simply no traffic :) 

Talk to strangers, smile at everyone and always say good morning. It will enrich your life and those around you because people do value human contact more, some just don't realise and need reminding ;) Maybe I did get something of value from my walk past the pawn shop, perspective!


contact Arana info@AranaART.com
or follow on instagram ;)

Thank you for reading