19 August 2014

More than just a painting

WEll, I am fast learning that in todays new age of computers being an artist is not simply just about siting down and creating a picture, its about living and entire concept. Right now, everything I am doing it completely new. Creating a whole event around that painting takes a whole different type of skill set. Luckily for me I trained in Hospitality management at College and have 9 years working in management experience, so event planning and organising is not an entirely foreign concept to me. Having said that, I have never hosted an art exhibition before so I have mixed feelings. Lucky for me, the strongest feeling being pure excitement. For the first time in my life the little things that use to bother me, I barely notice anymore. The bigger plan... the concept I am aiming for, that's what my heart and soul believes in and is working towards. I am on a creative journey of self expression and I would truely love to share my world with everyone.

It is true, art is a luxury item. But I want artists to be inspired to create and I want people who like those artists to invest in them, wether it be via simple free online support and interactions or if the petty cash funds allow, invest in art! It's the freest form to express your true feelings about the nature of the world. I hope to inspire thought, self reflection and most importantly of all happiness. Every individual has the power to reach their dreams, it just takes a NEW PERSPECTIVE.... 

For details on New Perspective by AranaART please follow this blog or like 'Arana Art' on Facebook and join the event!

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