12 January 2015

week 1 - Action #AranaART

STEPPING OUT - Exhibition March 7th 2015
As the first work week of 2015 arrived I pondered why its customary to make new goals in the new year to achieve. I thought long and hard about how much I had already achieved in 2014 and wondered why I needed to create any more restrictions in my lifestyle? So my goal... TO BE MORE AWESOME! I figured it really is what we are all trying to work towards, why not just cut to the chase and go straight to what I really want and stop dilly dallying around the why's of giving something up...

The more I get in touch with nature, the more I can feel myself connecting with my inner soul and rhythm.

"As an artist, you spend a lot of time drawing something to understand it, to see it, to feel it, And when you reach that point of perfection... That's when you are ready to create something new."I'm on top of the world EH!

The wider I open my eye's the more I can see, in slowing down and taking deep breaths before embarking on a new adventure, I keep my soul calm and in doing so I free my spirit and absorb my surrounding and become at one with nature.


Last week, I was working on a logo design for a new company. A fun project and one I very much enjoyed working on. While I don't intend to get into logo designing, I wouldn't mind having the odd jobs. I found that working on this project, was like having a puzzle to fix. One might be able to draw but can one listen to someone else's ideas and create something for them to suit their needs... Yep! I can do that... 15 year teaching ensures I have fine tuned this skill to almost a form of ART ;)

I have begun setting up my living room in preparation to teach art classes to small groups of kids, later I plan to also open up art jamming and classes for Adults as part of a ART HEALING effort. For now, you can find out more by emailing The Stanley Art House
or taking a look on Google+

I'm developing an
 interesting in learning about making video's and I also have an exciting new video project coming up. So more updates regarding that later!
Finally, I got back to nature and as a result, i feel a lot of balance forming in myself so I decided last Thursday that I am ready to start working on my next Art exhibition which I hope to have on Saturday March 7th 2015! I hope to dig deeper and reach higher and shall call it

One day installation style exhibition on
Saturday 7th March 2015

A busy first week back! Lets hope I can keep the moentum going in week 2...
Same time next week here and you will see :)

I bet my life

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