16 July 2015

Reaching OUT - 365 days (1-11)

Happy one year no job anniversary to me!

Did i imagine one year ago when I walked out of a full time job that I would be here today over joyed with what a fantastic year I have had? Yes! But I wasn't so certain I would make it to this point... there have been many tantrums and tears along the way but I knew it wasn't going to be easy. That just made me more determined.

Emotions are like roller coasters, the more complicated one's life is the greater the dips and turns. With this in mind, I decided I really needed to focus on simplifying everything in my life. Suffering from depression (worrying about the past) and anxiety (worrying about the future, I had to start living in the present.

I have spent the past year working on my art. Finding focus was incredibly challenging... for the past 20 years all my jobs had been active, hands on work... so sitting quietly to draw and paint was something I needed to train myself to do... Looking back now at some of the more simplistic artworks I have done, I can clearly see my state of mind reflected on the canvas, the ideas are there... but the attention to detail is poor...

Visualising my dream and working through each progressive step, I have gained so much knowledge along the way. I am also very grateful for those who have supported me in buying my artwork, if feels like such an honour when someone treasures my art as much as I do.

Here in Hong Kong now, everyone is away overseas and its lovely and quiet... A brilliant time to be out and about in Stanley and preparing for my 3rd solo art exhibition, ReachingOUT

Here is my official poster design for the exhibition. I'm currently working on a canvas 120x100cm of this picture as one of my 6 featured new artworks. This design will be available at my exhibition for sale as a large canvas, smaller mini canvas features, and greeting cards. All at very special exhibition prices only ;)

The image of the lady in the middle is inspired by the Hawaiian goodness Pele, protector of the volcano and feminine divine of awakening. In times of stress I look to my goddess oracle cards for guidance. Free readings will be available on Saturday from 5-7pm during sunset surprise.
Sun, moon, sun represents the exhibition days and times Saturday, night and Sunday.
My daily meditation sounds everywhere I go in Stanley is birds, there are some many birds here such a peaceful energising sound.
My fairly recent move to Stanley has connected me to the ocean, water. Endless amounts of natural healing in various different ways, my favourite is swimming at dawn, at 5.45 before the oldies rock up at 6am.
The spider is Charlotte, she lived by my front door as I also attempted to confront my fear of these 8 legged beasts. 
And the fish, symbolising the generosity I have received in these last few months, the most surprising being receiving fresh fish from the fisherman here. Happy to share their daily catch and have a beer at the end of the day :)

With September fast approaching I am busy working on and organising the details for my Exhibition. 
As mentioned earlier, I will have 6 new canvas' so as a build up to my Exhibition I shall have regular updates here on my blog. 

On a personal level, I feel very bless and pleased that I am gaining momentum and this is going to be AWESOME!

Next blog update Monday 3rd August
Reaching out - Finding courage (2-11)


Solo art exhibition by Arana Kennedy

Sat 5th & Sun 6th September 2015 Stanley

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