06 October 2014

September 29th 2014 in Hong Kong

Last night I had a horrible feeling, I heard police were attacking the peaceful students... HUH? 

I just couldn't believe what I was hearing!? In my 32 years of living in HK I have found the police here to be nothing but kind, respecting and incredibly helpful! Recently I was locked inside my flat because the old lock on my door broke while I was inside. I called the police to help me, the officer was incredible! You can't teach or train people to be like that, that type of service comes from a genuine need to want to help people. Because I wasn't in any danger, they couldn't send any emergency services to help me... However, the officer went above and beyond the call of his duties and took time out to not only check on me, but was also able to talk me down from the anxiety I was feeling. And I would also like to point out that I was speaking my native language, English and this was his second language.

I just couldn't believe Hong Kong Police would attack students so I went to take a look for myself... 

Police and students peacefully united

Early design found on the street of Mong Kok 
The umbrella revolution - Hong Kong

Septemeber 28th 2014
People take to the streets in peaceful protest in Mon Kok

Peace and order in Mong Kok
Plenty of camera's everywhere and TV cameras on top of MTR stations for birds eye view

Growing crowds at Admiralty
Septemebr 28th - 7pm

Growing crowds are no excuse for disorder
So pround of the calm manner of the Hong Kong people

At the heart of it all

I took this picture and turned to a man next to me and said
AMAZING! just simply amazing!
He replied, it really is something else...

see tranlastion...

Out of respect for the Hong Kong police, I didn't want to run around taking photo's of them. However I will tell you that I only wintnessed the Police as being nothing but kind, respecting and helpful as they are every day in Hong Kong. 

As I was trying to get around the crowds, a friendly officer saw my confused expression and without me even needing to ask for help he was there moving barriers out of the way and helping myself and other protesters negotiate their way through the crowds safely. 

After going down to see what was going on, I realised that Hong Kong is going to be ok... yes we have major issues to deal with, but I am grateful to the students and police and everyone in Hong Kong for exercising such great patients and respect for one another. As a society I believe we can strive to be an example to the world as we face a very chalenging and very uncertain future. 

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