There have been studies showing that the first light of the day releases a speacial type of energy and the best way to feel this energy is to wake up and get out in nature right at first morning light... Take off your shoes and walk on the grass... This will ganrentee you a wonderful positive start to a productive day.
I just simply love dragons! I love that they stand for something symbolic as dragons go far back in time in early stories from many cultures around the world. I see dragons as a symbol for a united world community. Anything is real and possible if you believe in it.
My friend Bruce Foreman is a talented artistic photographer living in Hong Kong for many years now. He is organizing the Yangshuo Bike Festival 2014 and asked me to help him design a dragon that incorporated the ideas and concepts of the even itself.
Using my 'dot dot' design I have added my symbolic touch to create the feeling of cyclists riding as one to form a big long dragon weaving between the limestone mountains of Yangshuo.
Sadly, cycling in China has been slowly phased out and with this event, Bruce hopes to encourage people to appreciate the joy of riding a bike over motorized transportation. This will be a fun event, and family friendly so bring along the kids too!
By dedicating ourselves to living a healthier lifestyle and learn to get back to nature we can experience true deeper happiness within... And it begs the question, Are you brave enough to be happy?
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