27 October 2014

Time to move it! From Quarry Bay to Stanley... YEAH!

After seven years of living on Pan Hoi Street, I can best describe it as a mini Stanley. Its a place to call home because everyone looks out for each other and there is a sense of community on this street which has been wonderful! So many charators which I will miss!
Pan Hoi Street shall forever be in my heart, I had my first art exhibiiton there and had the opportunity to learn that you don't need to speak the same language as someone in order to communicate. 
A mixed bag of ethnicity lives here and a variety of putongwha dialects are spoken by the older ladies. Body language and a genuine desire to communicate brings all these colourful people together! Of course at times there are communication problems but that happens when you speak the same language.
Anyway, the time had come for me to move out of my wonderfully cheap apartment. When the Jefery and his team of removal guys got all my 'stuff' out on the street... "My life in boxes!"

Then we hit the road to Stanley...

Jefery and his efficient team got all my 'stuff' up into my flat. and the rest was for me to organize, but I was feeling happy and excited about being in Stanley.

So excited, that I could sleep so I went out for a walk.

It was very peaceful at midnight and it was lovely walking around the quiet streets of Stanley. But when I saw this tree, I thought I was delirious from lack of sleep so I headed back home for a good nigths sleep and to a day of unpacking UGH!

Waking up in the morning to the sound of birds was amazing... nobody really does anything here till 10 am so its super peaceful. And if I put my head outside my window I can see this lovely veiw looking towards St Stephens beach. 

Outside my kitchen window I could see a man doing his Tai Chi... I was restful simply watching him :-)

By Lunchtime I had organaised a great deal of my stuff and I could finally sit down and reflect on my whole move. It's been a busy month! But now that I am settled again its back to the drawing board with more inspired art.

Special thanks goes out to

Jefrey and his guys were fantastic ANd I highly recommend them to you especially if moving to or from the Stanley area.

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