05 January 2015

Social networking... which account is for what?

how does it all work and how is it connected?
Figuring it out can feel fruitless... but is it really?

Instagam's connected to Facebook
Facebook's connected to Pinterest
Pinterest's connected to google+


Personally, everyone is different and everyone one has different needs. I listened to a pod cast the other day, advising that Pinterest took off over night and that's why it became popular... Apparently it was predominately a 'female user' site. In the interview, some guy was busy saying how they are trying to open up the market for more male users! OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE! All I hear is, A successful site catering to women's online CREATIVITY needs and now the guys wanna come and piss all over it. HAHAHA! Well, tell me otherwise?

Someone set up a brilliant site, that takes off... now they are FIXING a perfectly well functioning machine to make more $$$ It begs the question... How long till pinterest meets the same fate as FB? and are all these sites doomed to crash as they will all eventually end up identical! 

I really have NO right to complain... but I will explain something interesting that just happened... After posting on my FB regarding my Pinterest account, I got 0 likes... but I have just noticed a significant rise in the number of followers I gained in the last 12 hours on my Pinterest account... interesting! While people might not be liking things, they are looking!

I like using Pinterest, as its a great way to take a look at really specific things and its really simple to use and re pin button to share things I find interesting. 

Maybe I need to take up yoga and have a little more faith in the system ;)

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