04 January 2015

THe Art of Social Networking - useful tool or total scam?

Social Networking FACEBOOK

I don't pretend to be an expert in this field, I am very new to learning how to best use the internet, however look at the above picture... THIS is really crazy! When I first started my FB page there was a lot of activity on it, now that FB has changed the rules, more and more people and moving over to other sites. Someone advised me that FB needs to pay for their advertising... WTF? REALLY? Didn't the guy who set it up become a billionaire over night??? This isn't enough for the company... they want more....

FB... What is going on? I have over 1200 fans on my page, yet I put up a post and sometimes it only reaches 5 people? WHY? While I don't expect all 1200 people to see my feed, I do expect a lot more than 5 to be seeing it... 

This is where a marketing person will advise you, You need people to 'like it' well I think this is just all a huge scam to generate income out of nothing! 

When I put up a 'paid' advertisement, I suddenly get a bunch of likes. But did you know you can pay to boost your likes? 

It's funny... when I started my page with 100+ likes, I was advised to get more, now I have 1200+ likes and the activity on my page has gone down... 

For me this isn't a loose but more an observation, I could just be doing it all wrong... 
I have made good connections too via Facebook but only in hand with good old fashioned face to face, word of mouth. One thing I can say for certain is, you need to get out in the world and get on REAL TIME! its not an APP :) it's life ;)

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