02 March 2015

SteppingOUT - more than rhyme!

5 to go! TALIHO! A funny saying, a good friend and I shared back when life appeared easier! Let's face it, we do tend to make it more complicated than it needs to be ;)

Here's the location of my second art exhibition. It's off the map! SERIOUSLY! it's not on google maps, so if you come down, you really will be off the grid :)
Take a bus down to Stanley Market, get off at the Stanley Market bus stop... not the Stanley Plaza one ;) Walk all the way to the end of Stanley Market (again opposite end to Stanley Plaza) Walk towards the row of beach huts and on your right you should see this view. Come find me! I should be there somewhere!
This Saturday 7th, between 12-7pm
It's free, so come hand out, enjoy a break from the fast pace of Hong Kong and grab a mat and relax on the beach. I will have a display of my latest paintings along will some old favorites! Small works of art, cards and limited prints will also be  available for sale at more affordable prices. Which will be cheaper than any other way to buy my art.

A local Hong Kong Artist, who lives in Stanley was telling me how in Nature everything is connected and means something. In there two rocks, there is a symbolic image of a turtle and a serpent, in Chinese culture when these to animals come together it represents ZEN - a balance in all life

This Saturday, I not only invite you to come down and see my art. I also invite you to step out and take some time to appreciate a simple natural environment. 
Let's all step out together this Saturday in Stanley! See you at the beach!

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