As a British Citizen... Yes you heard me correctly! My mother was born in Rugby England. For those who know me... I'm sure you ma be surprised. I've never lived in the UK so I have never had a residence and don't vote. I'm thinking that is a mistake on my part. If one is tecnically allowd to vote in a country one has a responsibility to do so.
If I did have to vote... I would have voted to stay with the EU and this is the reason why.
I grew up with limited stories from my Grandfathers from world war II. Both went to war to fight for freedom and indepenace for their kids and grandkids... The very real threat of a world dominated by Hitler was as stake... there were no questions to ask... they were fighting for their lives and the lives of the future of a free world.
This story was told to me by my Grandmother, she was born in Scotland and joined the first women's british Army.
My grandfather on my mother's side was born in Poland and joined the Polish navy. His ship was at sea when Germany invaded Poland so they joined allied forces in the hopes that together they were stronger... I'm sure this alliance wasn't perfect but the overall idea was... together we are strong!
When my grandfather join the british Navy he was immediatly recognised for his outstanding navigation skills of Navy ships and was placed where they need him. My grandfather was a clever man and apparently figured out that the fleet of ships was heading into sea mine feild (no idea of the proper name) He allerted the captain who dismissed him... My grandfather was also a strong determinded man... fearing for his life, he knocked the captain out cold and took control of the fleet, just as the first ship was blown out of the water! When the captain came to, he gave my grandfather a bottle of whisky! A very RARE thing to find during world war II.
Word spread of his heroic deed and for the rest of his time serving during the war he was showed with gifts of food for the number of lives he saved that day was incredible. There wasn't a mention of his heroic act as what he did 'on paper' was probobly treason and more... only the people who were their that day and their families will understand the real truth, he was one of the many un named hero's, they joined allied forces and restored peace in the UK and Europe once again.
As a reward for his braveness during WWII the UK repariated him and his family to Australia. My grandfather had seen enough of war and wanted his family to live far away from any threat of another outburst in Europe.
You don't need to understand politics, or even listen to politicians... look at history and understand why the EU was established in the first place. Politicans are always going to tell people what they want to hear... I say WAKE UP WORLD! Don't rely on the establishment, but get off your ass and pay attention!
I have a very strong anti war opinion but thats because both my grandfathers fought in WWII and brought me up to understand that war is not the answer... And for those who wish to mention the otherside , the Japanese... well my fathers father fought against Japan.
When I was 8 my fathers father took us to Japan and I remember him telling me, its a different world now... we need to forgive and make peace.
Anyway back to the point... I'm not sure I even understand why the UK wanted to even consider leaving in the first place? Now Scotland is considering voting to leave the UK? WHAT? this is madness! Is this real life or a random episode of "Reign"?
I think that's all I have to say about that... Except one last comment,
Not voting is the craziest form of protest ever...! And its disrepectful to those who went before us and fought for us to have that vote.
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