An exhibition of Artwork by Arana Kennedy
Artist of acrylic and ink design
Just over a year ago, I decided to turn my attentions to working on my artwork in a more serious capacity. By March 2014 new work contracts came out and I decided I had far too much to learn about becoming a full time artist, now was the time to take that leap... so I ticked no and resigned. Driven by a desperate feeling that there was so much more to life, but I somehow wasn't living to my full potential. I was super confident until the last day of work... thats when I started to get nervous. I had to come up with a plan, anything to keep my eye on the bigger goal, so I planed my first Art exhibition NEW Perspective. A close firend pointed out to me, that I had nothing to loose and if I couldn't find the motivation needed, it didn't matter, as I had so much other artwork to exhibit, why not make it simple and start there?
I was still heavily sedaited by my previous life when I decided to paint a bunch of ladders and bring my art to the strreets of Quarry Bay, with no money and nothing to loose I just continued to hurtle myself forward. I had to go through my brain and try to think of any friends who might have some idea about what I was about to do, so I reached out to one, suddenly I had a gallery owner at my first exhibition on the street. She wanted me to be a part of a street exhibition.
I was not ready for this! A friend many years ago asked me why I kept saying this, "I'm not ready" well because I wasn't... :) Of course, when you say this, people flock and think maybe you are loosing your confidence, well simply put I had no confidence left to loose, so that really wasn't the issue... Why wasn't I ready? Because I simply didn't have enough of a portfolio to present. So I got to work on creating, designing, translating dreams, thoughts and idea into images. It's all very well having these bold ideas, the real trick is presenitng them into a painting.
I needed to work, and I needed to work hard. So I got to it and decided that I was due to completely run out of funds come March, so lets just go for it and have an exhibition at the beginning of March, 6 months after NEW PERSPECTIVE I went forth with SteppingOUT.
My biggest break through wasn't measured in how many people came to my exhibition, or in how many paintings I sold, but in how I was able to transform my feelings onto paper, and how do I know I managed this? because every once in a while someone comes along, and they connect with the picture and feel the energy that is gives. This for me, is what true magic is. To bring other peoples joy to the surface so that they can be happy.
Art is meant to provoke feelings and there is no judgement in how you feel because its your feeling, only yours. The artist intended you to connect with yourself, to think to feel... Many people ask me what my paintings mean, but that is not for me to say, as I don't wish to influence your mind, I want you to draw from your own life.
People who 'know' about art, can appreciate time, effort, maybe a deeper understanding in looking at the brush strokes. Others as fascinatited by techniques and appearance. And some simply like the colors. The point is, there is no right or wrong, you either like it or you don't :)
After my exhibition SteppingOUT I rushed my art down to an art gallery in the main art district on Hong Kong... No time to think, ponder or worst of all fear! Just kept on going... And WOW... WOW!
Behind every painting I create, there is a story...
Behind every moment I spend drawing, there are hours of meditation and thought...
Behind every movement in time, there is a choice...
I feel lucky and blessed, but most of all I am so happy that all my focus and hardwork is paying off and now I can continue to move forward with a little bit more confidence in my life... or is it simply just balance I was seeking :) Well this is not the end of my journey, it's just the beginning.
Arana Kennedy
Artist in training
Watch out for her next solo exhibition on September 5th & 6th 2015
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